Wednesday, February 07, 2007


How many of you have experienced persecution? Well, most Christians have. It might be a death in your family or someone just rolling their eyes at you. If you have witnessed to people and are truly serving you will have. But, did you know that extreme persecution still happens today? I have been getting Voice of the Martyrs newsletter every month lately, and it really makes you think. I wonder what is like to have your parents killed, just because you attend church. I wonder how these people live. Quite honestly, I know the only thing that keeps them going is God. Their faith in him is such an example for me. So many times we take for granted the little things. These people are being beaten, cut, tormented, even killed just because they love Jesus. In some places there "concentration camps" of a sort. But, these places are just to torment people who believe in God. It is so sad that we can pray, worship, read the Bible, sing, and share our faith whenever we like, and these people can't do it at all. (Not to say that they don't) But, I think one of the most touching stories I heard was of one Chinese pastor. An American asked him how he could pray for him. The man replied to not pray for them, but pray for the church in America that it would grow, and see a revival. You see, the devil tries to scare people away from becoming Christians, but all he accomplishes is growing their church. But, the devil is running scared himself, that's why he persecutes Christians. We can change things. Maybe we need a little persecution to help us out. I hope it doesn't come to that. We need to pray for these people that they would have the courage to keep on. But, at the same time we need to learn from their examples.

PS By the way, here is The Voice of the Martyrs website address: This is a ministry that is dedicated to God, and I strongly encourage you to subscribe to their newsletter.

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