Wednesday, February 21, 2007

But, God...There? Oh Come on!

I talked earlier about servanthood. It's almost funny. People learn about it. They get excited. And then, many of them stop. Why? Well, God asks us to things that won't get recognition, the dirty jobs, if you will. But, many people ask, "Why me? Can't that other person do it just as well?!"
I read in a book once this: God doesn't need us, he wants us. Just think of that. God, the Almighty Creator of the universe doesn't need you, but he wants you. Sure another person could do that job, but God wants you! Not your neighbor, not your brother. He wants you! He wants you to serve him by helping that elderly lady to the car, though you would rather be with your friends.
Sometimes, we just plain don't want to. There isn't any other reason, we just do not want to do it that day. Well, sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you need to. "Oh come on", some would say, "You sound like my mom!" (*remember this, I am a teenager just like you!*) Well, your Mom is probably a wise person.
So, let's do what God wants us to do!

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