Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Amazing Love (why do I deserve it?)

I want you to think about this scene for a few minutes: There is a rugged hill. A group of people standing gawking. A few of them are weeping. You look up, and there are three crosses. Three men are hanging on them, but your attention is drawn to one. He has blood flowing down his body. He has a crown of thorns mashed into his head. He is covered in bruises, dirt and dried blood. With a great effort he speaks! He says, "It is finished." As he drops his head lifelessly a darkness sweeps over you. You hear a murmur in the crowd. A few of the women wailing. The soldiers come up and break the other two men's legs. The die shortly after. But, they come to the central man and pierce his side. Water, then blood flows out. The soldiers nod to the others that he is dead. A man hurrys up to claim the dead body. The women group around it. You wonder why the man had to die.

Well, it sounds dark and depressing. Actually, it is. But, the good news is that this man didn't die in vain. He died for you! Imagine you on your worst day. Then, think he did it for me! I know I don't deserve it. None of us do. But, you ask, "Why? Why did he have to die for me?" Well, he died for you because he loved you. Now, think about this for a minute. Even if you have been in church your whole life (like me!) you won't lose the wonder, the joy, the peace. He loved you. Think about that. He won't ever leave you, he loves you, he died for you! Wow! He did that for me!? I really don't deserve it! But, what can we do to repay him? Well, we can't. Ever. But, we can love him and live for him with everything that we've got. Just think, he died for you! Can you surrender your life to him?

But, the best thing about this story is that Jesus didn't stay dead! No matter how many times I hear it, this story never loses the joy for me. Jesus really did die. And he stayed dead. But, he conquered death and the grave and rose again on the third day! Wow! You know, he did that for you too. Jesus loves you. Never forget that. No matter where you are, or what you are doing never forget that Jesus loves you. He died for you to save you, to rescue you. Can you give him yourself completely? Without holding anything back? He is waiting for you. You might be saved already, but you feel you haven't completely given it all to him. Do that now. Or you might not be saved. If not, do that now. Ask God to forgive you, to save you and to make you his child and give you eternal life. He always will do it if you ask. If you did either of those please tell me! I won't put it on the blog if you don't want me to, but I want to know!

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