Friday, January 05, 2007

School and Stuff Like That...

Well, we went back to school this week. I guess I never realized how much I really really really disliked getting up in the morning till this week. :( But as Calvin and Hobbes's Dad would say: It builds character. :) I guess if nothing else, school teaches us diligence and perserverance...But that doesn't mean we don't kick and scream the whole way. I was talking to an elderly lady yesterday and she said that she always viewed tests as a challenge. So I am thinking okay, yeah, challenge I got it. But then I had four tests today! One of them was a unit test, so that counts for a lot of my grade. But I had to keep going though I cried most of the day ;(. I guess we should view life the same way, as a challenge and a adventure. If life is an adventure it is exciting. Of course, there are the boring times too. But generally life is exciting, but we take it as busy and stressed. I know I do! A lot of times, we simply view life as a chore that has to be done. If we could only view everything that we do as a challenge and an adventure. Even the stuff we get dragged kicking and screaming into. Our life is an adventure, even the school part of it, we just have to see it that way.
PS Did I mention I am homeschooled? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever thought that deeply about school! I usually just think of it as a nuisance! :D Seriously though, what you wrote is really good and I continue to be amazed by everything you write on there! Thanks for doing this! It is a great encouragement.
Luv ya,