Thursday, January 11, 2007

Math makes its way into Bible study

How come math follows me everywhere I go?!?!?!? Okay well anyways we were in church Wednesday night and Dusty (our youth pastor) was talking about a scripture. Anyways the gist of it is this:
With Christ= Life
Without Christ= Death
Well, I am sitting here and thinking "Hey! That's kinda like a formula in math!" (Give me a break, I was tired :P). So, basically if you don't have Christ you don't have life. It's really that simple. If you don't have Christ, you aren't alive. But, understand this, I am NOT contesting the fact that you are living and breathing. I am saying that you aren't alive spiritually. In one of her songs Rebecca St. James says "You make me come alive/you make me come alive..." and it is so true. Without God we can't live! So, are living today or are you just pretending?
If you aren't living and want to, click on the "Ready?" button on the sidebar.

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