Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Prayer (part1)

I have to say first of that I haven't been posting near as often as I need to! Well here is my latest contribution:
Prayer is a conversation with the one person who loves you like no one else can. God! There are
some ways we do need to pray though.

First, we need to pray in the Holy Spirit. (Jude 1:20)(note: please don't take me at my word. ]

Look up the scriptures!)
We need to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And hold on one second. The immediate thought you get is: WHAT? How can I pray all the time?! Well, before you have a nervous breakdown, think of it this way. You don't have to close your eyes to pray or even bow your head. If you are driving I definitely hope you don't! But, prayer is spontaneous, it isn't a planned time. You don't say "Okay, God. I am going to pray at 3:00 pm to 3:09 pm. Not one second more, not one second less." Well, prayer is (at least should be) spontaneous. Its fine to pray before bedtime, but don't limit yourself on time. Just pour out your heart, and take no regard of time.

Anyways next is Pray in faith (Hebrews 10:22). We have to have faith. First off that we aren't praying to air. Come on! That does take faith, believe it or not. :) And second of all that God will hear and answer our prayers. The next three are in the same scripture reference. We pray in the Holy of Holies. We have to be "clean" (confessed up to other people) before we can feel like God has forgiven us. Let me clarify, God forgave us, but that person didn't. To be truly forgiven we need to ask that person's forgiveness too. Next, we have one mediator. If we aren't saved, Jesus isn't in our heart, and is not interceding for us. Jesus is necessary for prayer.

Forgiveness is the key; we have to be forgiven and we must also forgive. (Matthew 6:12) We must forgive others, and consider "the slate wiped clean".

Seek God face when you pray. If you look for God you will find him. (Jeremiah 29:13)

The next is just a saying: Chase after Jesus. To truly do this you must do it with all your effort. It isn't a task, do it with joy! Use all your talents, and chase him completely. Hold nothing back. Don't walk, RUN!

**Note**: If you have any questions or items you think I have either stated incorrectly or are not right, please comment me, and I will get back with you privately.

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