Saturday, April 07, 2007

Maybe if You Had A Son...

Joseph, a troubled carpenter, has a very sick son, and doesn't know where to turn. God doesn't seem to hear him, or listen if he's even there! He's looking for someone to turn to, someone who can help.
"Maybe if you had a son, you would understand." Joseph prays to God at one point, pleading for his small son's life. What Joseph later found out is that God did have a son, and he did understand.
You see, God sent his only son. His son that he loved. He sent him to die for you. I don't know many Moms that would give up their son-even for you.
Think about the cross. It wasn't easy for Jesus to suffer it. He prayed for God to take this cup from him if there was another way, but there wasn't. Crucifixtion is, I believe to this day, one of the absolute worst ways to die.
The prisoner was first scourged until he was barely alive, and chunks of their body would be torn off when the whip (or whatever you like to call it) wrapped around the body and lashed back. After this, Jesus had a purple robe (a sign of royalty) thrown around him and was spit upon and hit. After a while, they would be stripped of their clothes and be marched of to Golgotha carrying their cross. The cross itself was probably extremely heavy, and these people were barley alive. Then they would be nailed to the cross, and lifted up and set down. Now, they weren't set down gently-they were dropped down, and all they had to support them was the nails in their hands and feet.
Jesus knew he would go through all this-yet he did it anyway. And he did it for you. Even if only would person would have been saved, he still would have done it.
But, Jesus didn't stay dead. You see, he rose again three days later! He conquered death and the grave, there on the cross. He defeated the devil, and defeated death so that we don't have to face it. Everyone will die a natural death, but now Jesus offers you eternal life with him forever. You don't have to die in your sin for all eternity.
Accept Jesus today!
**Contact me if you want details on recieving Christ, or questions.


Anonymous said...


I mean your elderbrothermoviemakerguy said that when he got the idea it was on film. I'm saying, how did THAT happen? Sounds a little weird! I just posted. Bye Sarah Chika

~Ariana Evenstar Taylor

Anonymous said...

Hannah, (or do I need to say God's Grace? Or Sarah? for crying out loud...) Anyway, this was a great post!!!!
Meggy- what on earth are you talking about L said when he got the idea it was on film? what do you mean by that?? BTW, all ya'll's comments are kinda hard to follow cuz you jump from blog to blog!!! LOL :^P But I'm nosy enough I can manage to follow decently enough...