Sunday, April 22, 2007

God, I Will Go Wherever You Want....Except There!

So many times we tell God we'll follow him forever, and wherever he wants us to...Except for that one place. Think of the worst place on Earth and then imagine God telling you to go there! Wow! How many would actually go?
On the way to the Promised Land the Israelites sent out spies into the land of Canaan. Eight of the spies came back with the report that the people were giants, and there was no way they could conquer it. Only two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, brought back a good report about the land. They acknowledged that the people were big, but they knew with God on their side they could win. The people went with the eight spies report and decided not to go into the Promised Land. They later repented, but it was too late. They had to wander in the desert for forty more years.
Looking back on it, the Israelites don't look too bright. There was a wonderful land waiting for them, and they didn't take it because they were scared. How many times have we missed out on what God truly wanted for our lives, because we were scared? How many times has something wonderful been prevented because we didn't think that it was the best thing for us?
We have to have faith and step out and do what God wants us to do. But, we have to make sure that it is truly God speaking to us. I'm not saying go jump off a cliff because you think that God wants you to. Pray, seek scripture, and then step out in faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's good! something to remember... TRUST GOD!!!!!!