Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Note: Comments

I've been reading many other blogs lately, and I've decided to change the way we do comments around here. Instead of just telling me what a great post it was (Although I do appreciate comments like that) we are going to discuss the post and different things about it. To encourage all of you to do this, I will put several discussion questions at the end of each post. I think that this will make the comment section a lot more interesting, and we can all gain something from it. I don't mind comments telling me good job, or something, but please also participate in the discussion. Also, if you haven't commented before, please do! I would love to know who all really reads my blog, and to have you participate.
Another thing that I would like to address is this: please do not reveal any information about me that I do not reveal myself. As for my name, you can call me God's Grace, Grace, Sarah, or just the Author. I don't really care personally.
I hope that you all will enjoy what we will do in the future! Soli Deo Gloria!
As a side note, here are the discussion questions for my last post, Whatever You Do:
1.) How can we honor God? Please give examples.
2.) Can you think or find anymore scriptures pertaining to this post? Please post them, and give comments.
3.) Do you think that this will be a living witness to your lost friends? Please explain why or why not.
Please remember to be gracious, and not debate. This is a discussion, not an argument. Please remember to honor God with the words that you say. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah- you don't have to post this if you don't want to!
Lana- i just wanted to let you know that i got your comment, thanks. and i had heard about CtB but we had never subscribed but i told Sarah to subscribe us!! and i'll think about submitting some of my poems.. i'm not sure...
well ttyl,