Monday, May 28, 2007

Here I Am....

God has been doing a work in our youth group lately, and I am glad to see the spiritual leaps we have taken lately. We are experiencing the best worship and teaching I have ever been a part of. A great deal of that is our youth group's leaders. They're awesome! But, above all, all glory goes to God. But, part of the reason is that our youth group is ready: we're about where we need to be in our walks with Christ. Part of the reason for that is we're here, and we're ready to be used by God.
The reason I said that is not to brag on our youth group, or our leaders, but to tell what can happen when you get out of the way, and let God use you. We have seen over 30 people saved since last August. PTL! But, the reason we have seen such wonderful results is that we told God we were here and we were ready to be used. We simply had to get out of the way so that he could work through us. What could happen in your life if you got out of the way?

**Note**: Discussion Questions:
I have decided not to post formal questions this time. Instead, I just going to ask that you share verses pertaining to this subject, and your thoughts about them. As always, I will moderate the discussion.
Soli Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God's Grace and fellow Soli Deo Gloria readers,
Lana, I agree with you, I think this is a great idea and a great way to get conversations going.
Grace, I don't know what ya'll were like before, but you're awesome now!! I can really see God working thru the youth group, both thru your lives and thru mine!
It IS amazing what God can do with your life when you let Him.
Genesis 46:2-3 says, "And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, "Jacob! Jacob!" "Here I am," he replied. "I am God, the God of your father," he said. "Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will make you into a great nation there."
God wants us to be willing to allow Him to use us and work in our lives. God is calling you. Will you say "Here I am", or will you say "But... I don't want to... I don't like to do that... that doesn't sound fun... that's not what I had planned"? Open your life up to let God use it in the way He wants you to. You will be amazed by what He does!