Friday, December 29, 2006

An Awesome Quote

A few weeks ago, my brothers and I were watching Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. We had just finished it, and I asked my Dad what his favorite part of the movie was. He replied "I'd have to say it was Sam's speech." Part of Sam's speech really hit me: "There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for." How true this really is. Many Christains talk about how the government is bad, the media is biased, and sit on their hands the whole time. However, I am NOT saying that the parts of the government aren't bad, the media isn't biased etc. But, if we sit there and criticize all day, what does that do for them? Does it tell them that we wish they would change? Does this somehow change things? We have to fight for what we honestly believe is right and true. We can't just hope someday they will change without us doing anything. We have to do something. Now, granted, I realize all of us can't and will not walk up to a government official, point a finger in his chest and tell him he is wrong. And that is just a funny example. I am definitely NOT going to do that. I do have to say though, that many good Christian people do this. Not exactly the way I described it, but similarly. Let me be honest for a second. I am a young teenager. I cannot vote. According to our nation, I should pay absolutely NO attention to what doesn't involve me personally. I don't think so. I need to be praying for our leaders, and telling them (politely) what I think. Do I? Not really. Should I ? Yes. We are at war, and the sooner you realize that, and act on that, the sooner America will turn back to God. Adrian Rogers, preaching legend, once said this: I believe that as the West goes, so goes the world. And as America goes, so goes the West. And as the Church goes, so goes America. And, as believers fast and pray so goes the church. Wow! Basically that means if we actually got serious about it, we could change a whole lot. But the only question remaining is this: What are YOU going to do about it?